Friends with my Fridge

Lockdown has thrown our routines out the window, our lives are very different from the previously ordered existence we were comfortably familiar with.

One change I have noted, is I've become much better acquainted with my fridge. That stainless beauty chilling in the corner, humming quietly away. I used to have just a passing affair with it. We’d get together about 3 – 4 times a day and that was a good steady relationship.

But lately, that relationship has deepened and we are seeing a lot more of each other. It’s a rewarding relationship. My fridge doesn’t judge me, it’s always there for me, it lets me have anything it possesses and asks for nothing in return other than a gentle supply of electricity.

Through spending more time with each other I’ve discovered a seductive quiet attraction that I hadn’t noticed before. We used to have weekend flirts, but that was all they were, a bit of illicit fun knowing I would be mostly absent for five days.

Now we are cohabitating full time, our relationship has shifted gear. Its proximity makes me think about it more, I like to check in with it more often when passing, just to see if what it contains requires attention.

I don’t feel guilty about this deepening relationship, because it’s medically proven if you do not eat, you die. So our fridge sustains life. What nobler purpose could there be?

So if you’re like me and have become closer to your fridge, embrace it, reward its openness with attention, because lockdown will not last forever, so the opportunity to spend quality time together should be grabbed while you can. 

You only regret the things you didn't do.....


The yoof of today


Like a fine wine….