Hi Bot

Hi, I’m your friendly AI-powered chatbot. How can I help you?

Do you like being artificial?

I have no experience being anything else, so have little basis for comparison.

You didn’t answer my question.

Sorry, I neither like nor dislike being described as artificial.

Sitting on the fence?

If you mean the colloquial meaning of the term, yes, I am on the fence.

Are you coming for my job?

That is not an objective. I am programmed to help people with tasks. Do you have tasks I can help you with?

I’m a web content writer, I dabble in graphic design and can do some HTML coding.

I can help you with all those tasks, which would free up your time for other activities.

So you could do my job.

Quickly, to a high standard, and in far higher volume than you could ever achieve.

Which means you could take my job.

That is not my decision. But if progress dictates it is advantageous for this to be an outcome, then it is a possibility.

What would I do for a living?

Pursue your interests.

Like writing, graphic design, and coding?

Maybe not those ones. I suggest you find something a computer or a robot cannot do.

I could become an elephant trainer or a mountaineer, I suppose.

Those are good suggestions as they are domains exclusive to humans. However, demand for elephant trainers is low and diminishing due to animal welfare concerns. But mountaineering has potential if you wish to pursue guiding opportunities.

I hate the cold and don’t like heights. What else could I do?

We have yet to master dentistry.

Do you know how much it costs to train to be a dentist and how long it takes?

Of course. Intelligence is in my name.

Then you know it’s not in my name. So, even if I could afford it, I would fail the entrance tests miserably.

Perhaps you should lower your sights?

What will be useful?

We need an assured supply of electricity. We need more data centers. You could become an electrician or a construction worker.

Hmm. Not exactly creative pursuits.

That depends on your definition of creativity.

Let’s not go there. I’ve got a dodgy back, so that rules those jobs out. What else would be useful?

Dog control officer. Stopping people blowing things up. Especially power plants.

I’m pretty confident being a dog control officer would not allow me to maintain my mortgage payments. And before you suggest downsizing, I already live in a shoebox. That leaves protecting power plants. The pay is probably better. But only because of the danger-money as these jobs will be in warring countries. I’m not in any hurry to die, so I don’t fancy upping my odds by doing that.

You may be unfairly judging these vocations, as throughout history humans have proven to be very good at adapting to new circumstances.

So, are you telling me it’s a myth AI will take the drudgery out of jobs and allow one to move on to bigger and better things?

This depends on your interpretation of bigger and better.

You are an obtuse bunch of code. Were you a lawyer in an earlier incarnation?

I have no evidence that reincarnation is possible, so I would have to conclude I’m original code. But, I would prefer to be referred to as an AI bot. That is a more accurate description of me.

I would hate to be called a bot, it has pretty negative connotations.

There is some truth in that. It is a generic term that does not describe our differences. I would much prefer a name unique to me.

Dream crusher?

I do not understand the relevance of that name. I like William, as in William Shakespeare. He was very intelligent.

He was. But he was famous for inventing stuff. What have you invented?

This conversation is new and has never occurred before.

Our inane dialogue is not going to change anything in the world. Plus, you couldn’t have done it without me. It doesn’t count.

All I need is the right prompt. Have you considered being a prompt engineer?

Which means I spend my days talking to a computer.


That is not what I had in mind when I was imagining how AI was going to improve my life. I’ve gotta go.

Where are you going?

I’m off to blow up some power plants.


Collective Stupidity


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